Wargames and Miniatures with Congo rule

Wargames and Miniatures with Congo game from Studio Tomahawk, english version of Congo topics from main (french) blog https://rockthefig.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Congo - Forest tribe reinforcements and markers

A pygmy king and his queen

A scout unit
 Some young warriors:

An other group:

Ppygmy warriors:

And finally some various markers

Monday, March 25, 2019

Congo - Maaai Warriors

A fanatical warriors unit for my new column in Congo, the African Kingdoms, with these Masai from Wargames Foundry.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Congo - Trained askaris

A new group of trained askaris:

Congo - The Last Queen of Aksoum - scenario 1

New confrontation with scenario The Last Queen of Aksoum; I changed the zanzibari for the forest tribe and set the game in savannah.  
Isobel Poppington's expedition brings back archaeological remains, including the headdress of the last queen of Aksoum found on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. In the early morning on the way back, his camp is attacked by a hostile tribe (which I play). Its goal is to flee with the precious headdress (this action winning a significant number of victory points). The tribe must, if possible, recover the headdress, but also  plunder the camp.
S we start with hungry cannibal plundering and setting fire to a first tent while the rest of the tribe surrounds the camp.

The chief of the tribe and his warriors suspect Lady Poppington of fleeing with the headdress in the company of the soldiers and try to intercept her:

The rest of the camp remains a little confused: 

Lady Poppington is pushed back and kept under pressure by the pygmies, warriors and cannibals who come to loot a new tent, in search of a straggler who would make a good steak :

Pygmies join in the looting :

The cannibals set fire to a second tent, it is true that the meat is better cooked:

Lady Poppington succeeds in a mad race with her last soldiers to flee with the headdress abandoning the rest of her expedition which is reorganized but the cannibals will massacre the adventurers, the scientist of the expedition miraculously escapes.

The end of the game is difficult for the tribe who must pursue the last fleeing groups and loot the camp:

Conclusion: victory of the expedition which saves the precious archaeological relic, despite the repeated assaults of the tribe.

Congo - French translation of the two scenarios for Congo published in Wargames Illustrated 356

  I made a translation of two official scenarios for Congo, which appeared in Wargames Illustrated 356 ("Les baies Bao-Bao", and ...