Wargames and Miniatures with Congo rule

Wargames and Miniatures with Congo game from Studio Tomahawk, english version of Congo topics from main (french) blog https://rockthefig.blogspot.com/

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Congo - Tintin's Ford T

Ford T for my belgian journalist (who will probably count as a bearer).

After research I found this kit at 1/59 (Glencore Models); not really a wonderful a kit, the plastic is too soft, but perfect for conversion with a convertible top from a Willys Warlord jeep and crates / canvases from WWII kit scraps.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Congo - Tintin au Congo- An alternative to my white men column

My first element of savannah decor, termite mounds and a tree that tries to look like an acacia from the savannah. To accompany it some new alternative characters, from left to right, the faithful dog (counts as carrier!), the journalist, the retired officer, and the scientist. 
(Miniatures 1st Corps)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Congo - campaign Mungo Mah Lobeh, game 1 , First Contact!

Beginning of my Mungo Mah Lobeh campaign, where I will play Ujuwa. My opponent with Mary Kingsley will be David, main partner for Congo.

Preparations for the adventure:

Mary arrives at the port of Luanda and stays there for 3 months; There she meets Sir Francis Mortimer, a veteran of the colonial wars who falls in love with her and swears to protect her. She visits some local tribes and recruits a bearer.

Mary adds to her expedition: 
 -1 retired officer (P) 
 -1 bearer

Ujuwa, for his part, begins by pleading his case with the elders of the Fang tribe. After a Kuva ceremony, the grand tam-tam will accompany Ujuwa in his quest. By touring the neighboring villages he recruits a group of hunters (only available for the next adventure) 

Ujuwa adds to his expedition:
 -1 drum, Kuva 
 -1 hunter group (only for the next adventure)

For each adventure, we will draw from our expeditionary group up to the following maximum values: 
 3 characters  
6 groups  
4 bearers or 2 sacred warriors

Following these preparations, the columns for the next adventure are as follows:

-Mary Kingsley
- kirangozi Kiva (P)
- retired officer, Sir Mortimer (P)
-2 bearers
-1 group of adventurers
-1 group of trained askaris
-1 group of ruga-rugas
-1 group of askaris
-1 group of young warriors

-the tribal chief M’otowanfa (P) 
-1 drum, Kuva (P) 
-1 sacred warrior (A)
 -1 group of warriors 
 -1 group of pygmy archers 
 -1 group of bundukis 
 -1 group of archers 
 -1 group of young warriors
 -1 group of scouts 
 -1 group of hunters (only for the next adventure) 

The game table: 
  The scenario is supposed to take place in the savannah, but terrains are not yet ready, so we will use the jungle terrain.

    The scenario is quite complex, and had rather unexpected consequences. The main goal is to collect masks from each hut, 3 in total, of variable but hidden values; you can score victory points by leaving the exit where the merchant Ferdinand Van Goose is stationed. There are 4, in the middle on each side. The merchant's position is determined on each turn, and he is absent on turn 3 (it's too hot!). In addition to the masks there are 3 discovery tokens pawns and 3 decoy token, which we mix, and we place 4, face down on the dangerous grounds closest to the center. These also bring victory points, but above all allow to improve the characters of Ujuwa and Mary thereafter.

Deployment of diametrically opposed Ujuwa and Mary bands:

1st turn, we rush towards the village to collect the masks

Mary and her guide Kiva, with the help of the bearers (and their special rules), perform a blitzkrieg and collect 2 masks on turn 1! I saw nothing coming ... 

Some venture to seek discoveries in dangerous terrain.

Despite the rousing sound of the war drums, the Fangs of Ujuwas seem far from the famous masks

Turn 2the merchant waits...

..not long, a first group leaves the table with a mask to negotiate

    In the absence of masks, the troops of Ujuwa will concentrate on  discoveries; a sub-group of pygmy archers enter one of the terrain to  recover a discovery token. Doing this they trigger the awakening of a lion in another terrain very close to the warriors of Ujuwa 

This is good for he group of warriors led by the chief M'Otowanfa who kills the lion and gain the trophy points (because it was the animal of the scenario).

The 2 sub-groups of pygmies each recover a discovery token!

Mary tries to retrieve one, but the pygmies vanish in the tall grass at her approach:

Turn 3 Ujuwa and his group capture the last mask but make a tactical retreat against the trained askaris auxiliaries led by Sir Mortimer.

The merchant has changed places, Mary rushes to negotiate a good price

Coup de bol, j'ai récupéré le masque le plus onéreux, après la sortie du groupe de Mary , J’envoie mes guerriers, les chasseurs et les novices emmenées par Ujuwa, Kuva et M'Otowanfa sur les derniers groupes des Blancs encore présent.I was lucky, I recovered the most expensive mask, after the exit of the group of Mary, I send my warriors, the hunters and the young warriors led by Ujuwa, Kuva and M'Otowanfa on the last groups of the White men  still present .

The warriors and the chief have recovered a decoy token after the death of the lion, Ujuwa will try to steal the discovery token from Sir Mortimer's trained askaris.

The last 2 turns will see a chase and a series of melee  and retreat until the annihilation of the last groups of White Men. To make matters worse, White Men will be subject to confusion for one turn! Only Mortimer managed to escape (undoubtedly the fruit of a long experience of his military career!). Ujuwa does not manage to reach the merchant, because of a damn "stop" stress drawn ....

Conclusion, Ujuwa wins the scenario, which makes him 2 achievement points. the spells cast earns him 4 ritual points but 0 achievement points so far. His discoveries are: bones, magic herbs and ritual object (no point for the moment but that will count in the future). Finally, the lion's body is worth 1 point.
Mary having recovered 2 masks out of 3, obtains a knowledge of her choice (negotiation), and 2 achievement points. With additional knowledge she will pass its characteristics to the second level. 
Both characters decide to go to their next adventure "through the jungle" hoping to collect medicinal herbs. 
Mary gets lost in the jungle for 4 months, however she gains an additional totem card in the next adventure.
Ujuwa loses a level of spiritual connection, but meets a hermit who gives him advice; he will win 2 totem cards in the next adventure.
So far Mary, 12 achievement points, Ujuwas 3 points.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Congo - The village

Here are 3huts from Grand Manner, which opens up new scenarios for me.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Congo - Some characters

Some new characters, from left to right: the doctor, the flag, the archaeologist, and the healer.

The wiseman,
 From left to right: the kirangozi, the missionary (for a scenario), the divinerr and the retired officer.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Congo - French translation of the two scenarios for Congo published in Wargames Illustrated 356

  I made a translation of two official scenarios for Congo, which appeared in Wargames Illustrated 356 ("Les baies Bao-Bao", and ...