Wargames and Miniatures with Congo rule

Wargames and Miniatures with Congo game from Studio Tomahawk, english version of Congo topics from main (french) blog https://rockthefig.blogspot.com/

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Congo - scénario 7- The Moussouko Ritual

In this adventure in Congo, an  African Kingdoms column seeks revenge on the village of Moussouko (forest tribe) for its harmful magical activities. The game is played in the jungle, the Forest tribe is deployed on one of the long sides, while the African Kingdoms will have to choose one of the 3 entry paths on the opposite side. 6 magic fetishes are randomly placed with their hidden numbers (1 to 6) at the agreed locations. I play the warrior kingdoms against my opponent Jean-Séb.

    Once the deployment is complete and the entry point chosen, we discover the numbers of the fetishes. To score points of victories I must have a group in contact with the fetish having the same number as that of the round in court, in this case the fetish is destroyed and I take as many points as the number of the fetish. The villagers must stop me and win the maximum of melee to score points. In addition, there are magical effects linked to fetishes, plus some spells. A complicated scenario, but it's always like this in Congo. However, luckily, fetishes 2, 3 and 4 are the closest to my point of arrival.
Villagers deployment of Moussouko

Some protective fetishes:

Turn 1, the first 2 groups (fanaticals and marreid warriors) go for fetishes 2 and 3.

The pygmies try a stealthy move, but not that much, they disturb a leopard who has time to make himself a lunch.

At the end of 1st turn,,fanatical warriors and married warriors  remain  in contact with fetishes 2 and 3, waiting to score points.

Turn 2

In the center,  fanaticals see 3 groups coming to them:

At the end of 2nd turn, fetish 2 is destroyed, and my last groups, young warriors and askaris rush towards fetish 4 under the threat of the cannibals. 

Turn 3
This turn sees the Paralysis spell active, any group with more than 3 stresses can no longer perform actions.At the end of the turn the king and his warriors destroy the fetish 3. The scouts move to clear the ground towards the fetish 6 and 5, in the center the fanaticals have done their job and must face the wrath of the warriors, while the pygmies lead by their king regroup towards fetish 4, the cannibals  defending i,t having been severely hit by  shots from the askaris and their muskets.

Turn 4
After a long walk, the pygmies arrive just in time to check the young warriors, fetish 4 is preserved!

Fanaticals fight suuccessive melees  but always emerge victorious, depriving their opponent of points.

Turn 5.
The king and his warriors try to join the fetish 5, but the pygmies come back (decidedly a pygmy is running fast) to prevent it.

The rest of the african kingdoms groups retreat to avoid giving points in melee

Scouts stay on fetish 6 to destroy it on turn 6

Turn 6
The king must flee after the annihilation of his group by the pygmies and the opposing king, the "fury" spell being active makes the melee more violent Fortunately the askaris  arrive in time to protect the scouts determined to destroy the fetish. 

Fetish 6 is destroyed at the end of the turn, which ensures a large victory for the African Kingdoms column. .

Friday, January 31, 2020

Congo - Opar

Even before the publication of Congo, I was looking for a rule to be able to play in the universe of Tarzan. So in addition to the Tarzan column, I envision a column led by High Priestess La from Opar, based on the Forest Tribes, as a witchdoctor. She is currently accompanied as the males of Opar (maybe couting as cannibals), species of brutes resulting from selections and hybridizations between humans and monkeys. la ,a Reaper Miniature; the brutes of Opar, Corelock miniatures from Lucid Eye.

The lost city of Opar, resources:






Monday, January 27, 2020

Congo - Tarzan

After the Manganis, Tarzan has enough to make two groups of (vindictive!) Monkeys (Tarzan's list is unofficial - I'm inspired by the one in Wargames Illustrated 349); monkeys from Lucid Eyes.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Congo - Terrain elements for the jungle

A high and dangerous terrain for the jungle.

And two blocking terrains:

Mmy entire jungle:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Congo - Various sacred grounds

An idol carved from a rock lost in the forest:

Size comparison:

The making of: basically it's a statuette found on ebay

And another religious element, the sacred rock:

Congo - French translation of the two scenarios for Congo published in Wargames Illustrated 356

  I made a translation of two official scenarios for Congo, which appeared in Wargames Illustrated 356 ("Les baies Bao-Bao", and ...