Wargames and Miniatures with Congo rule

Wargames and Miniatures with Congo game from Studio Tomahawk, english version of Congo topics from main (french) blog https://rockthefig.blogspot.com/

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Congo - Campaign Mungo Mah Lobeh, game 5 , Encounters in Hostile Lands

For once simple goals to achieve. A "barrier" of dangerous terrain crosses the diagonal. Ujuwa and Mary make their deployment at opposite corners of the other diagonal. They score a lot (!) of victory points by exiting through the opposite corner but the dangerous terrains to cross are infested by the Fangs, a cannibalistic tribe. We don't see them, but they fire poisoned weapons.

The table:
Mary's forces rush through the Jungle:
Same on the Ujuwa side:

The kirangozi, guides his group in the first dangerous ground, to find the remains of a cannibalistic meal. This land will receive additional cannibal fire. Located in the center, this event will have negative consequences for Ujuwa thereafter. The trained askaris enter the neighboring terrain without too much problem.

Mary left the adventurers behind to prevent Ujuwa from passing. He sends chief M'otowanfa and his archers to remove them with  arrows shootings. Several incredible sequences of shootings will follow, despite a total of thirty impacts, the adventurers will come out unscathed !!!

On the other side of the "diagonal" that Mary quickly crossed, Ujuwa tries to stop her groups. A series of fights will take place in a small area .All Ujuwa's ritual will fail almost all the time; 5 rituals with 2d10 minimum, and only 3 successes. Spirits are against him. 

During this time the adventurers still tease my archers (I think they installed a powerful magnet, like Tintin, to deflect all the the arrows).

My bundukis are desperately trying to block Mary's passage:

Ujuwas finally decides to go out, going through the shortest (he took too long to try to stop Mary), and there disaster, between the Fangs and the fterrain, his whole group is decimated :

The chief is going after the adventurers who retreat cautiously.

Mary has the way cleared after a cleaning in order by the trained askaris

The sixth round is aborted, and Ujuwa fails just outside the exit, due to a delaying action by the adventurers

Conclusion: Mary wins narrowly, I could even envisage the draw with the loots recovered by my archers in the dangerous ground.

 Mary gains knowledge and goes to level 3! With two discoveries each, I'm keeping a small lead on accomplishment points.  

Small disappointment, we did not have the appearance of the elephant - the dangerous animal of the scenario.  

Only onescenario remaining before the ascent of Mount Cameroon, the ultimate goal for Mary, and the completion of the ritual of Ujuwa.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Congo - Campaign Mungo Mah Lobeh, game 4 , Unknown species... And stone gods

For this game, the columns of Ujuwa and Mary, advance in the jungle, and arrive in a sector containing statuette remains. For Mary these are objects worthy of the British Museum, for Ujuwa it is essential to his ritual. There are therefore two statuettes to reconstitute from three pieces each represented by  green objective token placed in the 6 dangerous terrains; these pieces earn points of victories increased if a statuette is complete. Finally 4 blocking terrain can bring back discoveries by being in contact with them (or curses!)

Deployment, Mary top right corner, Ujuwa bottom right corner:

During the first three turns, it's a race for thestatuettes pieces, the kirangozi Kiva and the champion Momba, lead their groups quickly into the heart of the jungle in a kind of blitzkrieg

The kirangozi knows this jungle perfectly and finds new paths that allow him to get his hands on two pieces in record time

Mary accompanied by young warriors tries a daring ambush on warriors who had just discovered a piece of statuette, she comes out victorious from this fight (we do not really know how!) and takes the opportunity to take the piece of statuette during the retreat of the warriors .

Quickly Sir Mortimer arrives in reinforcement with the adventurers 

Momba and his young warriors frustrated at having their piece of statuette stolen: 

Mary's ruga-rugas closing the column, are caught under fire from the archers of Ujuwa, who are well hidden in the jungle

Violent shots between pygmies and adventurers

Ujuwa goes through a masterful ritual of the buffalo, imposing a lot of stress on the ruga-rugas but they make with a masterful rallying 

Suddenly, with screams and a growl, a leopard has just appeared and one of the young warriors serves as lunch

It is starting to get difficult for the groups of Ujuwas, Mary has collected 4 pieces (and enough to make a complete statuette) and her troops are regrouping around her

The archers and a group of pygmies try to weaken the opponent:

Sir Mortimer's trained askaris intervene to clear the things. Only moment of glory on the side of Ujuwa, the champion Momba, ashamed of his previous defeat, launches a lightning charge and annihilated the trained askaris and Sir Mortimer

Ujuwa finds himself exhausted after all the rituals he casst and the shots he suffers. This cursed leopard stealthily moves to another area, and eats one of Ujuwa's scouts.

Ujuwas always try to exhaust the opponent with their archers:

The leopard moves again and attacks the ruga-rugas who had tried to dislodge the archers who had been harassing them for a while; and  against all odds they kill the leopard and win the game's hunting trophy. 

Conclusion: a great victory for Mary; Ujuwa saved the day, taking a lot of risks on his rituals to finally reach his maximum spiritual bond value.

Mary continues on his way through the jungle, Sir Mortimer comes out of his wounds without any consequences. but one of the bearer is dead. 

Champion Momba, become poorly, and my sacred warrior is dead. Fortunately Ujuwa decides to continue his journey through the villages, he recruits a replacement for his sacred warrior. 

Chief M'otowanfa will come back to restore order in Ujuwa's column after two absences and two defeats (I tested the champion, although he was very effective during the first 2 turns due to his effect on the movements, it remains difficult to be effective in the following turns with the list of groups imposed by the campaign. 

Congo - Dhow for Zanzibar

Three more bearers with ivor.


A dhow from Sarissa. This model is a real success, so I present it with a little scenery with the play mat "the beach" of Deepcut Studio., and miniatures. It will be a nice piece of scenery for a coastal game.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Congo - Big rock for Mountain of the Gods

For the Mungo Mah Lobeh campaign finale, the Mountain of the Gods scenario, you need a rock in the middle of the table; So I decided to make a beautiful decor. It is very easy to make, I started with a resin rock  for aquarium, I plugged the many holes inside, then after some touch-ups of paint, I flocked and "planted" the plants and trees.


Congo - French translation of the two scenarios for Congo published in Wargames Illustrated 356

  I made a translation of two official scenarios for Congo, which appeared in Wargames Illustrated 356 ("Les baies Bao-Bao", and ...